Start of your stay in Porto-Vecchio
Check into your hotel in Porto-Vecchio, Corsica's third-largest commune. Discover the city of salt, nicknamed for the exploitation of the salt marshes, with its stone houses, narrow streets and Genoese fortifications...
Porto-Vecchio to Cartalavonu
From Porto-Vecchio to Cartalavonu, leaving behind the blue waters of the far south, you will discover Corsica's interior and its many villages. Cross the Ospédale forest, populated by maritime pines.
Cartalavonu to Levie
Depart for the Alta Rocca and its highlands, where the views of the Ospedale, the Gulf of Valincu and the Aiguilles de Bavella are superb. The village of Carbini and its Pisan church will enchant you.
From Levie to Serra di Scopamena
Leaving Levie, the route passes the archaeological site of Cucuruzzu, then climbs to the village of Quenza. Discover the hamlet of Ghjalicu, an ancient transhumance site, before heading for Aullène or Serra di Scopamena.
From Serra di Scopamena to Ste Lucie de Tallano
A long descent through chestnut and oak trees to the Rizzanese river and its pools. After the Tighjarellu pass, the route passes through the village of Altagène and on to Sainte Lucie de Tallano. A region renowned for its olive oil and mills.
From Ste Lucie de Tallano to Fozzano
After passing through Loreto di Tallano and the ruins of Altanaria, you arrive in Fozzano. Here you can admire its famous 15th-century tower and visit the house of Colomba, Mérimée's heroine. At 3pm, transfer by taxi to Propriano to avoid walking on the road. Holiday ends upon arrival in Propriano.
Programs have been drawn up according to the latest information available at the time of writing: imponderables are always possible and situations beyond our control may alter the course of the program.